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Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
You have disconnected.
Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Adam has connected.
Christopher has connected.
ELWOB VI: two!
Christopher: awwww yeah
Adam: now we just need, like, a map.
Christopher: zac's switching internets or whatever
ELWOB VI: I could e-mail myself the old map useing the internet.
Christopher: aaaaand having rtouble connecting...
ELWOB VI: If I had any!!
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
Robin Goodfellow: YEAH
Christopher: suck it, technical difficulties
Tokens dropped onto map 'Grasslands' by player Christopher (Player)
Tokens dropped onto map 'Grasslands' by player Christopher (Player)
ELWOB VI: I lack the textures to remake that dining room
Tokens dropped onto map 'Grasslands' by player Christopher (Player)
Robin Goodfellow: We'll re use our imagination
ELWOB VI: matter of curiosity, can Zac see this?
Robin Goodfellow: YUP
Robin Goodfellow: IT'S GREAT
Adam: lol
ELWOB VI: Anyhow... Goodfellow had just walked in.
noble3: Let him in.
Robin Goodfellow: "Thank you. What is your name butler?"
Sextus: Sextus.
Robin Goodfellow: "Thank you Sextus"
Christopher: man, this place has really gone downhill.
ELWOB VI: shut up
Robin Goodfellow: gah there's a HOLE in the ground!
Ignatious Stendatem: that's a table.
Ignatious Stendatem: (rolls eyes)
Robin Goodfellow: *rubs eyes*
ELWOB VI: guys, we had a great, totally serious game going on...
Robin Goodfellow: "Oh. Ahaha, of course it is..."
ELWOB VI: It was really all going pretty awsome...
Adam: I thought I was being serious.
Adam: save the fibre crack.
ELWOB VI: anyhow, Inspector goodfellow enters, again
Robin Goodfellow: I was not speaking in character because of lack of quotation marks but I didn't make that clear, sorry back in character
Robin Goodfellow: "Hello."
Robin Goodfellow: "Um..."
Robin Goodfellow: "How are... things?"
Ignatious Stendatem: Ask her.
Robin Goodfellow: "Constance?"
ELWOB VI: her headwound looks much better...
Constance Stendatem: Well, we seem to have a slight daemon problem, but that's nothing compared to our personal history infestation...
Robin Goodfellow: "But you weren't hurt or in trouble with those Ordos jerks right?"
Robin Goodfellow: "I mean. Ordos, right?"
Officer Septum: I am right here.
ELWOB VI: FYI, this is the guy who was there at arc street
Robin Goodfellow: "Sorry, I tried to take it back. You were great."
Robin Goodfellow: "I meant the other... ones..."
Robin Goodfellow: "Um, I'm just going to be quiet now."
Constance Stendatem: Wise.
Officer Septum: No, please. Go ahead and speak
Officer Septum: You must have come for a reason.
Robin Goodfellow: "I did. I'd like to speak to Constance and Iggy...natious
Constance Stendatem: I assume you mean alone.
Robin Goodfellow: "I was inferring that yes."
Ignatious Stendatem: Sextus, show our guest here the stables. (gesturing to the officer)
Robin Goodfellow: *mumbles* "stables?"
Officer Septum: I suppose I will be back...
Robin Goodfellow: "It was good to see you again Officer!"
Robin Goodfellow: "All right..."
Robin Goodfellow: "I... uh, suppose I owe you an explaination..."
You whisper to Christopher: Christopher
Ignatious Stendatem: Aye.
ELWOB VI: that room was carpeted, btw
Robin Goodfellow: "Well..."
Robin Goodfellow: "Wow this is a nice carpet
ELWOB VI: ok, seroius faces
ELWOB VI: no more meta
Robin Goodfellow: *not meta*
Adam: not yet. brb.
Adam: like 10 minutes max.
Constance Stendatem: (gahhhhhhh)
ELWOB VI: so close...
Robin Goodfellow: (AND YET SO FAR)
Robin Goodfellow: (woah capslock)
ELWOB VI: longest breakfast ever...
Robin Goodfellow: *I go over and examine the food*
Christopher: seriously ._.
Christopher: zac just got all crashy
Robin Goodfellow is disconnected.
ELWOB VI: damnit
Christopher: restarting, be here monentartiylsa
Christopher: IN A MOMENT
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
Christopher: ...cannot use my bloody keyboard...
Robin Goodfellow: ah and now I can't see
Robin Goodfellow: should have known better than to try and impersonate
ELWOB VI: don't cry because it's over, smile because it happend
Robin Goodfellow: lol
Robin Goodfellow: but now I can't see the map again
Robin Goodfellow: though I did learn that I apparently don't have some textures or something.
Robin Goodfellow: but smeh
Christopher: should host from your laptop more often
ELWOB VI: hey, this is the first time the desktop went nuts
ELWOB VI: the desktop has a nice big screen
Christopher: but it's always had slight issues of that sort.
Christopher: this, though... beautifully smooth.
ELWOB VI: ot's 4 years newer
Christopher: that shouldn't have any bearing on the internet...
ELWOB VI: true
ELWOB VI: I'm waitin on adam...
ELWOB VI: Woahhohh....
ELWOB VI: how long ago did adam say 10 min?
Christopher: 15min ago
Robin Goodfellow: lol
ELWOB VI: He better not be kissing girls or somthing...
ELWOB VI: Ok, if this gets any more FUBAR, would you guys be able to finish this next weekend?
Robin Goodfellow: yeah
Christopher: yes
ELWOB VI: don't get too fancy with the house; this is all being deleted
Christopher: i'm killing time
Christopher: and testing my memory, evidently
ELWOB VI: the bottom is wrong
ELWOB VI: that t room wasn't there
Christopher: yeah, bottom left is going all FUBAR...
ELWOB VI: there was a bathroom in there too
Desert Guard: remember this campaign?
Christopher: that qualifies as a campaign?
ELWOB VI: It was like two sessions, wasn't it?
Christopher: yeah. ONE adventure.
ELWOB VI: We call the first LEWB a campaign, so...
Christopher: yes, but this was SUPPOSED to be a full campaign, but ended as just an origin story.
ELWOB VI: but it was a nice origin story.
ELWOB VI: I really liked it. It didn't over-stretch itself
Adam: back
Christopher: that was 25 minutes, brah.
ELWOB VI: shut up and RP
Ignatious Stendatem: what do you want?
Robin Goodfellow: "I... need your help."
Robin Goodfellow: "I have no reason to expect it given my admittedly appaling treatment of your and irrational behavior, but believe it or not there was a point to it all."
Ignatious Stendatem: Get to the point.
Robin Goodfellow: "I know who stole the missles
Robin Goodfellow: "Are you familiar with the cult of the wishmaster?"
Ignatious Stendatem: No.
Constance Stendatem: No.
Robin Goodfellow: "I'm not suprised, it is a powerful but secretive organization."
Robin Goodfellow: "Well, not that powerful."
Robin Goodfellow: "But still, the artillery shells and the attack on the train were orchestrated by them. I don't know who to trust, but you two have proven yourselves useful."
Robin Goodfellow: "Without help, I know I will not make it out of this in one piece, but regardless I am GOING to stop them."
Constance Stendatem: Oh, also, I may have forgotten to mention: that was a plot to kill you, Ignatius.
Ignatious Stendatem: That's a heck of a thing to gloss over, Constance.
Constance Stendatem: I sorta forgot. Sorry.
Robin Goodfellow: "Who is plotting to kill him?"
Constance Stendatem: Ordos didn't know.
Constance Stendatem: But, it seems, you do.
Ignatious Stendatem: Alright, detective. Did you try going to the police with this problem? I'm hardly authorized to take down a terrorist cult, and I don't feel like getting arrested again.
Robin Goodfellow: "I... have reasons to avoid the police"
Robin Goodfellow: "I think the wishmaster has infiltrated them."
Robin Goodfellow: "He threatened me when I was in jail."
Ignatious Stendatem: You know who he is?
Robin Goodfellow: "WHAT he is is a daemon."
Ignatious Stendatem: Can he change shape or something?
Constance Stendatem: You both had unknown magic on you when Ordos brought us in.
Robin Goodfellow: I heard him in my jail cell
Robin Goodfellow: he spoke to me
Robin Goodfellow: threatened me
Robin Goodfellow: "What do you mean Constance?"
Robin Goodfellow: (All that was spoken)
Constance Stendatem: Just that. When we were arrested, Ordos detected magic on you that they couldn't identify. I was clean, for whatever reason. They assumed, reasonably enough, it was daemonic in origin.
Robin Goodfellow: Did you see anything Ignatious?
Ignatious Stendatem: Nothing. Perhaps you should tell him about the worms, Constance.
Constance Stendatem: Yes. There was a huge, writhing mass of worms on the exterior wall of the bedroom just yesterday. They infiltrated the house, and made for a box containing some of Ignatius' personal effects, and after they left a love letter from many years ago by my dead husband was found on my pillow.
Robin Goodfellow: "I... see..."
Robin Goodfellow: "Who was your old husband?"
Constance Stendatem: A daemon hunting soldier by the name of Kinal.
Robin Goodfellow: "Well, I've been doing research since my interactions in the jail cell. And the mass of worms you mention sound very familiar".
ELWOB VI: You have heard of this Kinal. He was a brave soldier from what you heard. Never worked with him, but you knew people who did.
Robin Goodfellow: Ok
Adam: Ok
Robin Goodfellow: "The worms sound like the physical manifestation of two of the wishmasters... lackeys. Whisper and Echo."
Robin Goodfellow: "Did they say anything?"
Robin Goodfellow: "What happened?"
Constance Stendatem: Not that I heard. That's all I know.
Robin Goodfellow: "hmm....
Robin Goodfellow: "Can I see the effects that they made for?"
Robin Goodfellow: "May I, rather?"
Ignatious Stendatem: Yes.
Ignatious Stendatem: (hands them over)
ELWOB VI: It is a black box, containing three things: a photograph, a book, and a toy soldier.
Robin Goodfellow: I roll to Search them for anything suspicious?
* Robin Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 10 => 1 + 10 = 11
Robin Goodfellow: WOW
Robin Goodfellow: "What is the name of the book?"
ELWOB VI: there is no title
Robin Goodfellow: (I can't seem to READ it)
Robin Goodfellow: I open it.
ELWOB VI: it's dusty, but in new condition.
Robin Goodfellow: what do the pages say?
* Robin Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Christopher: are you shitting me?
Robin Goodfellow: lol
ELWOB VI: hold on
Adam: Worst detective ever.
Robin Goodfellow: "Ignatious where did you get this book?"
Christopher: psst, take 20's.
Robin Goodfellow: I will from no on
Ignatious Stendatem: It was my father's.
Robin Goodfellow: "Was your father a daemon worshipper?"
* Robin Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Robin Goodfellow: (SO GOOD)
Ignatious Stendatem: Not to my knowledge.
Robin Goodfellow: "Well, he was in possession of a very interesting book."
Ignatious Stendatem: I'm pretty sure he wrote it.
Robin Goodfellow: *stares* What???
Robin Goodfellow: "Your father.... Do you know what this is??"
Ignatious Stendatem: A book.
Robin Goodfellow: "A book. Yes, it is. It is the Compendium!"
Ignatious Stendatem: The Compendium?
Constance Stendatem: Compendium of what?
ELWOB VI: Chirs, you know what the compendium is
Robin Goodfellow: "This is the daemonic BIBLE. It is the most common book of daemon lore, used almost EXCLUSIVELY by Daemon worshippers!"
Constance Stendatem: W H A T.
Constance Stendatem: WHY would...
Constance Stendatem: THAT Compendium.
Ignatious Stendatem: Is this just one copy?
Robin Goodfellow: "Yes, but you say he WROTE it?"
Ignatious Stendatem: I'm pretty sure, yes.
Adam: Right?
Constance Stendatem: Did you never bother to...
ELWOB VI: You could have sworn you saw him writing in it when you were a child... but it was years ago, maybe...
Ignatious Stendatem: I just figured it was his journal or something written in some made up language.
Constance Stendatem: Shiiiiiiiit.
Adam is disconnected.
Robin Goodfellow: "It is possible he was adding to the text. It is not necessarily a damning text, used for the proper purpose... I have one after all. Your father is not neccessarily a daemon worshipper."
Adam has connected.
Inspector Goodfellow: "It is possible he was adding to the text. It is not necessarily a damning text, used for the proper purpose... I have one after all. Your father is not neccessarily a daemon worshipper."
Ignatious Stendatem: Well, what does this mean to us right now?
Robin Goodfellow: "If Whisper and Echo were going for these effects..."
Constance Stendatem: Ohhhh, we're in trouble.
Robin Goodfellow: "It is likely there is something in this book they didn't want known, they don't typically act so aggressively."
Robin Goodfellow: "I suggest we search this book for any... unusual text."
Robin Goodfellow: "We can cross reference with my copy for differences."
ELWOB VI: The differences are clear as day, right in the "WISHMASTER" section. There are two letters folded inbetween the pages there.
ELWOB VI: The first is address to Ignatious, the second to his father.
Robin Goodfellow: "Sometimes I'm too good a detective for the clues I find."
Robin Goodfellow: "Here, it is addressed to you."
Ignatious Stendatem: (can I read it?)
ELWOB VI: yes. It is in imperial
Robin Goodfellow: "WAIT
Robin Goodfellow: "We have to hide this book."
Robin Goodfellow: "Right now."
Constance Stendatem: Why?
Constance Stendatem: Septum.
Robin Goodfellow: "The ordos officer will be back any moment."
Ignatious Stendatem: Give it back.
Ignatious Stendatem: I'll keep it on my person.
Robin Goodfellow: "I..."
* Robin Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 10 + 2 = 12
Christopher: -facepalm-
Ignatious Stendatem: I have some really nifty pockets.
Robin Goodfellow: (Waiting for brian to respond to something)
Ignatious Stendatem: Well, I have a question for Septum.
Robin Goodfellow: "I'd not keep this book on you..."
Robin Goodfellow: "It is... not something you want to be caught with without good reason
Constance Stendatem: Bedroom. Can hide it in my dreser.
Ignatious Stendatem: We could always destroy it.
Robin Goodfellow: I suppose that is better than nothing.
Robin Goodfellow: "We can't risk destroying further clues
Robin Goodfellow: "If your father wrote extensively in it..."
Ignatious Stendatem: If they found the book in this house once, hiding it here again is not smart.
Robin Goodfellow: "I can store it in my..."
Constance Stendatem: We only need tohide it from Septum for now.
Robin Goodfellow: "Yes."
Constance Stendatem: And I'm thinking he can't search through my undergarments without arousing plenty of suspicion.
Constance Stendatem: So, to the dresser?
Robin Goodfellow: "Yes"
Ignatious Stendatem: The worms won't come back?
Constance Stendatem: I'd say they already got what they came for.
Robin Goodfellow: "Probably not in the next hour."
Robin Goodfellow: "Whe have to get ride of Septim"
Robin Goodfellow: "Then immediately study this book."
Constance Stendatem: We got any good alcohol?
Ignatious Stendatem: I'll take him out for a night on the town. I'm no help with the book anyway.
Constance Stendatem: Oh, on the contrary!
Robin Goodfellow: "I'd venture to say your father wanted you to find this book. Given the letter. It is possible he left clues only you could spot."
Constance Stendatem: Then why is there a letter addressed to him, too?
Robin Goodfellow: I don't know...
Constance Stendatem: I thnk it was the daemons that brought the letters.
Officer Septum: *shouts* Everything alright in there?
Robin Goodfellow: "Yes, everything is fine! We'll be right out!"
Ignatious Stendatem: I have some old brandy I was saving for a special occasion...
Robin Goodfellow: I suggest we head back to my office
Robin Goodfellow: I have materials there that should help with analysis.
Robin Goodfellow: What did the letter say?
Ignatious Stendatem: Nothing helpful.
* Robin Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +2 => 13 + 2 = 15
Constance Stendatem: Maybe the two letters are linked by a code?
Ignatious Stendatem: Just something about his work with the book not being for ill. I suppose you can read it when you go over the rest of the book.
Robin Goodfellow: Well, who will distract Septim?
Ignatious Stendatem: I can incapacitate him.
Robin Goodfellow: "Will you give us the letter?"
Robin Goodfellow: "Or is it irrelevant
Ignatious Stendatem: It doesn't matter. Here.
Robin Goodfellow: "Thank you. When you are done, stop by my office."
Robin Goodfellow: "Actually..."
Robin Goodfellow: "Goodness, I guess it is our safest option. Yes, let us meet back at my office?"
Constance Stendatem: Very well.
Ignatious Stendatem: Do you have a card?
ELWOB VI: you do
Robin Goodfellow: "Here"
Robin Goodfellow: *hands him card*
Ignatious Stendatem: Right. I'll join you ASAP
ELWOB VI: ok, how is this for a stopping point?
Christopher: suitable
Robin Goodfellow: good for me
Adam: Cool.